Psychokinesis and Telekinesis Mind Over Matter

This is PK Mind Over Matter is now one of the most useful manifestation books, for working with your psychokinesis and telekinesis.  By practicing Guided Meditation from Yogi Gita himself, anyone can easily become fulfilled, prosperous and whole.  This is possible because of the author’s extensive knowledge, which results from his hands-on experience with psychokinesis and telekinesis. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from. The cosmic energy within this manifestation book is all that’s needed to easily manifest unlimited prosperity and undiluted potential!

Psychokinesis and telekinesis are now the most actively researched areas of mind science (Psi). This is PK Mind Over Matter naturally empowers all readers to understand and fully benefit from these phenomenal breakthroughs. Many prominent scientists now realize that the discovery of this cosmic energy has truly far-reaching implications for the new world; more significant than the  “discovery” of the New World and Atomic Energy itself!  Albert Einstein himself would’ve never made theory from his atomic level research, but for his sub-atomic work breakthroughs involving refrigerators. 

Psychokinesis and telekinesis also operate on a quantum and sub-atomic level. Extensive modern research into psychic powers has already validated that. So how can all of this benefit you, your life and future? This is PK Mind Over Matter provides all of these explanations, answers and solutions, based on the author’s exciting discovery!  In the not-too-distant future (and presently in some nations), this specialized knowledge of psychokinesis and telekinesis will naturally become mainstream. It’ll be used for myriad purposes, only by those who are privileged enough to benefit from it! Many breakthroughs have naturally emerged regarding the ways in which this force works. And, how it can be used by anybody, to control matter, which includes their life circumstances. This is PK Mind Over Matter is here to uncover all of that for all who read it.

This is PK Mind Over Matter exposes readers to the real world of “Psi,” which is the formal scientific study of psychic powers and subconscious mind energy, by providing information concerning the history, breakthroughs, technologies and theories related to using psychic powers. Readers also benefit immensely from the author’s professional scientific research involving the FP Discovery, and it’s far reaching implications. Studying the author’s FP discovery places readers in a truly unique and powerful position, to easily grasp the essence, nature and Functioning Principles of psychokinesis and telekinesis manifestation. Equipped with this transcendental and divine psychic power, readers are well trained to use their mind energy, to facilitate wellness, protection, strengthening and awakening chakra energy (kundalini). Never before has the world had such direct access to the knowledge needed to easily and naturally begin controlling psychokinesis and telekinesis. To realize, achieve and attract whatever is desired, and to improve upon any circumstance, predicament or personal situation.

In this day and age, there is so much focus on material advancement that spiritual and metaphysical secrets have taken the back seat. And that’s exactly why people are unable to have faith in the divine and their own highest higher mental and psychic powers. Ever since the dawn of time, mankind has relied upon psychokinesis and telekinesis, to attract and manifest necessities and a whole lot more! For example, many people already know that there is ample evidence, especially in caves, that hunters, gathers and tribesman from all over the world performed certain rituals involving the psychic powers of subconscious mind to ensure successful hunts. And, to influence natural forces such as the weather when necessary! In our day and age, science is revealing like never before how using psychokinesis and telekinesis is the secret to controlling our lives on all levels, and about the connections that PK has to the highest realms of existence!

There are many mysteries, tales, hypothesis and beliefs about how true mind over matter functions that have passed down over the ages. Having a strong point of reference which anybody can easily relate to and understand regarding how psychic powers function is invaluable and priceless in this day and age. Accordingly, This is PK Mind Over Matter presents mind over matter within the context of the Author’s FP Discovery, which makes it easily understood and immediately accessible by all who study this manuscript with an open mind. By now, understanding how psychic powers actually function is crucial for all, because everything in existence is truly mental, which many Buddhist and other spiritual traditions have known for ages…

Since by now we already know that ultimate reality and everything is truly mental, it’s obvious that understanding how psychic powers work to directly control matter and the illusory material/physical physical plane is of utmost importance for anybody that truly values their lives, karma, interests, and well-being! In addition, since we know by now that everything is truly mental, shouldn’t we be focusing much more time and energy on developing our highest psychic powers?  This is PK Mind Over Matter is ideal for people with a beginners, intermediate or advanced level of metaphysical knowledge, as all of them have access to observing the same transcendental-mystical power in real action, and benefiting from what they glean in that exposure.

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This is PK Mind Over Matter is ideal for those who want to help, heal and improve themselves and loved ones by using the power of mind, but some feel unsure, hesitant, afraid or reluctant for whatever cultural, psychological, karmic or spiritual reason. We invite these folks to run a test, come up to speed, give themselves a chance, and reap the unlimited boons for eternity! This manuscript places these starving souls on the fast track to success, and a never-ending upward spiral. Many of them have no basis for belief in their higher-selves, manifestation techniques, and desperately need Divine insight and guidance from an authentic and authoritative Guru; to facilitate that great spiritual awakening and foster ultimate personal liberation.

In addition, the objective scientific proof within this treatise is all that some people to need to experience to see the Divine Light. If this pertains to you, then this treatise is a must-read that truly and quite literally can save your life! Remember that it’s never too late to improve in unlimited ways. This exciting body of metaphysical knowledge presents the most ancient and authoritative information passed down through the ages, which does indeed verify the unlimited power of mystic yoga, meditation, psychokinesis and telekinesis. Backed by concrete modern scientific evidence of the F.P. Discovery, any skepticism or uncertainty is easily and naturally transformed into Divine knowledge that moves mountains.

Belief is an essential ingredient for any degree of success or achievement, and the confidential information disclosed in this treatise empowers all readers with the knowledge needed realize their highest potential. This secret and most confidential information has the power to easily and naturally give readers power over material nature, which naturally translates into control over this life itself. And what’s more? While it’s entirely possible to manifest whatever is needed and desired, within reason, by mastering the use of your PK, always remember that we can’t take any of it with us after we leave this earth. And, that the real investment is in your spiritual or karmic “bank account.” The information that this yoga and meditation book will uncover equips all readers with the spiritual power and protection and good karma that ensures positivity and wellness now and forever.  

Accordingly, This is PK Mind Over Matter  is now naturally improving the world, one reader at a time! And, People from all walks of life, and in every nation truly benefit by learning to use the power of psychokinesis and telekinesis to manifest positive and permanent karma change! And that’s exactly why everybody on this planet ought to know about the author’s exciting PK Discovery, how it was made, the proof disclosed by the research; and most importantly, how they can immediately and immeasurably benefit from this most mystical power. Order your copy of This is PK Mind Over Matter now, and immediately begin to take direct and total control over your life, karma and future like never before!


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